(Bill Thacker) (06/02/90)
Thursday, 16 May, 1940 Fast-moving German panzer forces expand the Dinant-Sedan breakthrough; by evening, some units have advances nearly 90 km from the Meuse. French communiques admit that small tank raiding forces have broken through to disrupt rear areas, but that these are being hunted down. The Allies begin to withdraw from the Dyle Line, with the intent of forming a second line of defense on the Scheldte. Winston Churchill flies to Paris to confer with French leaders. He also dispatches a note to Mussolini, urging Italy to maintain its neutrality. A similar note has been sent by President Roosevelt. Roosevelt petitions Congress for a $1.1 billion fund to improve the armed forces. A goal of 50,000 aircraft a year is set for US manufacturers. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "Perhaps we shall have to change methods and men." - Premier Paul Reynaud