(Bill Thacker) (07/27/90)
From: (Bill Thacker) Saturday, 27 July, 1940 Convoy "Bacon" is attacked in the English Channel, and two British destroyers, HMS Wren and Codrington, are sunk. The Admiralty withdraws all destroyers stationed at Dover. Rumanian diplomats leave Berchtesgaden for Italy, as Bulgarian officials arrive for meetings with Hitler. Germany is mediating the border dispute between the two nations. The conference of Pan-American Foreign Ministers, meeting at Havana, reaches agreement on the US proposal presented by Secretary Hull. A declaration is issued stating that American possessions of foreign powers may not be transferred as a result of the European war, and that in the event of such a transfer, the possession will be placed under the control of a multinational trusteeship. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "Premier Mussolini put on a private show for newspaper correspondents to prove his physical fitness. He jumped his German-bred mare over nineteen hurdles, played a set of tennis, pedaled a bicycle in shorts, then asked, "Do I look weak ? Sick ? Am I tired ?" So far as the newspaper men could see the answer was "no!" " - New York Times, based on an article by Herbert L. Matthews