(Bill Thacker) (07/30/90)
From: (Bill Thacker) Tuesday, 30 July, 1940 The Luftwaffe bombs shipping at several points between Harwich and the Thames Estuary, with little success. French spokesmen announce that the French armies in Syria and French North Africa are to be demobilized. Britain declares that her blockade, now extended to cover all of continental Europe including Spain and Portugal, would allow the passage of foodstuff sufficient for those nations' internal consumption only; no margin will be permitted for export. Numerous Spanish transports are reportedly being assembled near Gibraltar, raising fears that Spain will attack that fort as Germany invades England. The RAF continues to attack invasion barges being assembled at Channel ports. Italy continues to bomb Gibraltar and Malta, and Italian paratroops have reportedly been deployed to assist in Operation Sea Lion. Japan accuses Britain of spying through several agents, including the Reuters correspondent in Tokyo, Melville J. Cox, who, according to Japan, committed suicide while being questioned, after leaving an incriminating note. Britain denies the charges and protests the treatment of her subjects. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "It is hardly necessary for me to state that there is no foundation whatsoever for this allegation by the Japanese Government." - Lord Halifax