(Bill Thacker) (02/23/91)
From: (Bill Thacker) Saturday, 22 February, 1941 The German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau find a convoy east of Newfoundland and attack. Five convoy vessels are sunk, and the remainder scatter. Stuka dive bombers, attacking Benghazi harbor, severely damage the monitor HMS Terror. The ship is taken under tow, but is lost at sea. General Rommel begins deploying his newly-arrived German units to the front line near El Agheila. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Sir John Dill meet the King and Prime Minister of Greece at Tatoi. They decide that British troops will land in Greece in March. As German troops in Rumania prepare to enter Bulgaria, advance staff officers reach Sofia and begin preparing headquarters facilities there. Bulgarian students protest their entry. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "I was in a restaurant in Sofia tonight and requested the playing of 'Tipperary.' A German threw a bottle at me. I warded it off and retaliated by injuring his features. The incident was regrettable, but I saw no other course." - George Earle, U.S. Minister to Bulgaria (The German was in civilian clothes)