(Bill Thacker) (04/01/91)
Tuesday, 1 April, 1941 Rashid Ali, an Iraqi nationalist politician, together with a military group know as the "Brethren of the Golden Square," lead an anti-British coup in Iraq. Premier Simovic of Yugoslavia announces full mobilization of military forces, but refuses to travel to Athens to meet with British Foreign Secretary Antony Eden, hoping to avoid provoking Hitler. Indian troops occupy Asmara, capital of Eritrea. Tokyo and several other Japanese cities institute rice rationing. German He 111 bombers sink two tankers, the San Conrado and Hidlefjord, in the English Channel. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Thacker Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to "Given the goods, we can lick this lot." - Herbert S. Jones of Harrow, England, in a letter to the New York Times