[net.bugs.4bsd] unnecessary bcopy in namei

edmund@turtlevax.UUCP (Ed Trujillo) (04/05/85)

Index:	sys/ufs_nami.c 4.2BSD

	The bcopy done once a file name is found in the namei() 
	routine doesn't seem to be necessary.  By inspection of
	the code, we find ourselves at the label "found:"
	iff ep->d_namlen == u.u_dent.d_namlen && 
	!bcmp(u.u_dent.d_name, ep->d_name, ep->d_namlen).

	Since we know that the two names match (ep and
	u.u_dent.d_name) at the label found and that 
	u.u_dent.d_namlen == ep->d_namlen the wholesale copy 
	of ep isn't necessary.

	We do need the inode number and reclen.  We replace the
	bcopy by a simple assignment. 

	Inspect the code.

	replace the line after the label "found" :

	bcopy((caddr_t)ep, (caddr_t)&u.u_dent, (u_int)DIRSIZ(ep));

	by the lines :

	u.u_dent.d_ino = ep->d_ino;
	u.u_dent.d_reclen = ep->d_reclen;

Ed(mund) Trujillo @ CADLINC, Menlo Park, CA