[alt.fractals] Computational Chaos-Lyapunov Exponents

t.witels@cooper.cooper.EDU (Tom Witelski) (05/31/90)

To computational chaos fans:

Software for computing the dominant positive Lyapunov exponent from an ex-
perimental data set (no equations defining the system are required) is 
available by written request (U.S. MAIL) from:

Professor Alan Wolf
Dept. of Physics
The Cooper Union
51 Astor Place
New York, NY 10003


Reference: PHYSICA 16D (1985) p 285-317 "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from
a Time Series"

C and FORTRAN source and executables are available: Send a disk (3.5" or 5.25")
or $5 with disk preference.