[alt.fractals] PostScript Random Trees, just for fun

bagwill@swe.ncsl.nist.gov (Bob Bagwill) (12/08/90)

%%Title: RandomTree
%%Creator: Bob Bagwill
%%CreationDate: 6/11/90
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: (atend)
%  Draw random binary trees -
%    varying reduction, maxdepth, width, branch, length, branching, angle,
%    root point and number.
%  Use with PostScript previewer.  Re-execute within same PostScript context
%  so that subsequent invocations return different pseudorandom numbers
%  (rather than the same first pseudorandom number of the series).
%  Suggested improvement: save variable values in file so that nice pictures
%  can easily be re-created.
%  Generalized from "PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook" example.
%  Bob Bagwill, National Institute of Standards and Technology
/depth      0   def             % current depth
/degrees    5   def             % branching gradation
/down   {/depth depth 1 add def} def
/up     {/depth depth 1 sub def} def
/root {                         % where to start drawing
    2 { 30 random 20 mul    % X coord
        10 random 10 mul    % Y coord
    } repeat
} def
/random {                       % return random
    rand srand                  % uncomment for truly random
    rand exch mod 1 add
} def
/mirror { 180 exch sub 2 mul } def  % calculate mirror image
/DoLine {
    0 branch rlineto
    currentpoint stroke translate
    0 0 moveto
} def
/RandomTree {
        reduction dup scale
        width setlinewidth
            depth maxdepth
            le {
                 angle dup rotate RandomTree    % first branch
                 mirror rotate RandomTree       % second branch
            } if
} def
%-------------Begin Program---------------
/trees 10 random def                    % number of trees
trees {
        /reduction  5   random 10 div .3 add    def
        /maxdepth   10  random                  def
        /width      40  random                  def
        /branch     10  random 10 mul 100 add   def
        /angle      36  random degrees mul      def
        root moveto
} repeat
%---------------------------end of RandomTree.ps-----------------------------

Bob Bagwill                             NIST
Software Engineering Group/NCSL         Technology Bldg, Room B266
bagwill@swe.ncsl.nist.gov               Gaithersburg, MD 20899
voice (301)975-3282                     fax (301)590-0932