[psu.next] Owner of a delegate ...

CMH117@psuvm.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) (05/08/90)

A have a Window (actually a Panel, but that's irrelevant).  I have a delegate
for the Window.  I connected the delegate in the Interface Builder.  Now, my

  When the delegate receives a message (like a call to windowDidBecomeKey), is
  there a way to directly determine which Window the message is in reference to
  without using an outlet in the delegate's class?

It seems like there should be an easy way to do this, but I can't seem to find

- Charles Martin Hannum II         PennMUD Design Team - (Resident) Programmer
    (That's Charles to you!)       "Those who say a thing cannot be done should
  Please send mail to:              under no circumstances stand in the way of
  hannum@haydn.psu.edu              he who is doing it." - a misquote