HYD@psuvm.psu.edu (06/08/91)
My advisor just purchased a Datacopy Model 220 scanner for his pc clone. The problem is that the scanner came without software ( He got the thing at a going out of business sale ). If anybody could give me an idea on where I could get driver routines and documentation for the scanner, I'd greatly appreciate the help. Also, I think that Datacopy went out of business a few years ago, if anyone knows for sure, please let me know. Thanks in advance, Paul
HDK@psuvm.psu.edu (H. D. Knoble) (06/08/91)
Don't know what a Datacopy Model 220 scanner is. However if it is a serial port hand held scanner to scan graphs, shapes, etc. and sends its results to the serial port, then a general serial port manipulation program, like MS-Kermit for the IBM PC and clones can usually easily be adapted to collect such data. Example code follows: Echo off REM Name: SCAN.BAT REM REM Purpose and Logic: REM Invokes MS-Kermit to and routes Digitizer ASCII data sent to COM1 REM to the Kermit Session Log (an arbitrary DOS file). REM REM Called by: you or me REM REM Calls: KERMIT.EXE, SCAN.INI REM REM Author: H. D. Knoble, HDK@PSUVM, 11/30/90, Center for Academic Computing, REM The Pennsylvania State University. REM IF "%1"=="?" GOTO HELP REM Get Session log file as argument or default. SET F=%1 IF "%1"=="" SET F=A:\SCAN.DAT REM Invoke Kermit with default init file, SCAN.INI. KERMIT -F SCAN.INI, LOG SESSION %F%, CONNECT, STAY CLS Echo Digitizing Session finished; output in file: %F% GOTO DONE :HELP CLS ECHO Purpose: Collect digitized data sent to the serial (COM1) port into a DOS ECHO file. MS-Kermit Session Log feature is used to transfer incoming ECHO serial port data to a DOS file which may be passed as an argument. ECHO ECHO Syntax: SCAN [dosfilespec] where ECHO "dosfilespec" is an optional DOS output file specification, ECHO possibly including a disk and path. "Dosfilespec" may be typed ECHO in upper or lower case (brackets indicate optional argument and ECHO are not typed as part of the syntax). If no argument is given to ECHO SCAN, the DOS output file, A:\SCAN.DAT will be assumed. ECHO ECHO Use: Issue the SCAN command at the DOS prompt. Wait for initial ECHO prompt to begin digitizing. Follow directions for your hand-held ECHO scanner. Terminate digitizing session by pressing ESC or Ctrl-z. ECHO ECHO Examples: ECHO SCAN 12-03-90.dat Digitized output directed to 12-03-90.DAT ECHO SCAN Digitized output directed to A:\SCAN.DAT ECHO SCAN c:\temp\test.dat Digitized output directed to C:\TEMP\TEST.DAT ECHO ECHO Note: Any (notational) typing Entered from the keyboard will echo to the ECHO screen and become digitizing session output record(s). ECHO ECHO [end-of-brief-help] :DONE ;****************************************************************************** ; ROUTINE: SCAN.INI ; PURPOSE: Kermit-MS Init file for ASCII digitizers which output to COM Port. ; FOR: KERMIT -F SCAN.INI ; CALLS: none ; CALLED BY: KERMIT.EXE -F SCAN.INI LOG SESSION dosfilespec, CONNECT, STAY ; AUTHORS: H. D. Knoble <HDK@PSUVM> 11/29/90, Penn State University ;******************************************************************************* SET LOCAL-ECHO ON; Keyboard strokes also go to session log. Define Done Close Session, EXIT; Define macro to close session log and quit. ; ; Set Digitizer Dip Switch (DSW 1), located on bottom side of digitizer, to: ; 9600 bps, Parity N, Output Format ASCII, LF=Yes. SET PORT COM1; Use COM1 port; issue SET PORT ? for others. SET PARITY NONE; Use 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. SET SPEED 9600; Use 9600 bps for scanning. ; SET KEY \26 {\Kexit}; Ctrl=Z=quit (close session log and return to DOS). SET KEY \27 {\Kexit}; ESC is the same as Ctrl-z. ; Echo To terminate a digitizing session press ESC or Ctrl-z\13\10 ASK \%p To begin a digitizing session now press Enter: CLEAR; Clear all traffic from COM port. ; End of SCAN.INI
cpjgc@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Jeremy G Carter) (06/29/91)
Does anyone know a way to logon to PC MagNet in America via internet. It seems that it is only supported by '800' American phone numbers. Otherwise can anyone help me with tracking down two utility programs 'BROWSE.COM' and 'CARDFILE.COM' which are apparently available on the database. Thanks in Advance.. -- * _________ | Am I happy to see you or have I got a canoe in my * * |____ ___| | pocket?? - Lord FlashHeart * * __ / / | Internet : cpjgc@marlin.jcu.edu.au * * \ \/ / | Jeremy G Carter - James Cook University of N.Q. *