[soc.religion.eastern] The Essence of God

aem@mthvax.cs.miami.edu (a.e.mossberg) (03/18/90)

In <14569@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> ganesh@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Ganesh Subbarayan) writes:
>1. 'God' is
>2. 'God' can be realized
>3. To realize 'God' is the goal of life
>4. All paths which lead to the goal have equal validity

>Here what one understands by 'God' would depend on which school of
>philosophy one subscribes to. For a dualist, 'God' would denote a
>personal aspect and for a non-dualist it would denote a causeless,
>qualityless, shapeless absolute reality namely brahman.

There is no god which can be described. There is no god. If there is a god,
it is nameless. It is all things and no things. It is the union of all gods
that have ever been imagined and those yet to be imagined. It is all 
spiritual energies. It is all of these and none of these. God is undescribable
and nameless. No one can give you the path to god or the gods. God is not
the goal, godhood is the goal. One must find their own path to godhood, to
discover the god within oneself. Godhood denies self, for god is the eternal.

a.e.mossberg / aem@mthvax.cs.miami.edu / aem@umiami.BITNET / Pahayokee Bioregion
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