[soc.religion.eastern] Buddhist studies in India

garrett@reed.UUCP (Edward Garrett) (03/19/90)

Last May I received a grant from Columbia College in NYC to do a video-taped
documentary on the practice of Tibetan Buddhist philosophical debate by nuns 
(and monks, too, most probably) in India and Nepal. I still haven't really 
formalized my plans for this project yet because I've been waitng for visa
 approval from the Indian goverment to study at an as yet unspecified
 univerity in north India
 under a Fulbright grant, which I also received
last May. My grant proposals for the above mentioned two are frighteningly
ambitious given my status as a recent BA recipient, but we have to start
somewhere, right?
My call here is for any advice, contacts, warnings, interest, sources, etc
concerning this Tibetan debate project. I plan of course to visit the 
school of logic in Dharamsala; I believe that at Keydong Choling Nunnery
outside of Kathmandu nuns are being taught philosophy and the practice
of debate as well. Do you know of any other nunneries/monasteries which have
debate classes for nuns as well as monks?
Also, I'm interested in sources on the history of the practice of
philosophical debate in India, and the history of institutions like 
I'd be grateful for any comments or questions -
       Frances Garrett