[soc.religion.eastern] Learning to practice Tai Chi

stumpf@gtenmc.GTEtele.COM (Jon S. Stumpf) (03/20/90)

I am interested in learning Tai Chi.

Any suggestions for books on the subject?
Any Tai Chi masters in the Central Jersey area?

Jon S. Stumpf

stephen@bpa.bell-atl.com (Stephen C. Arnold) (03/21/90)

In article <14701@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> stumpf@gtenmc.GTEtele.COM (Jon S. Stumpf) writes:
>I am interested in learning Tai Chi.
>Any suggestions for books on the subject?
>Any Tai Chi masters in the Central Jersey area?
>Jon S. Stumpf

Don't try to learn Tai Chi out of a book.  You will be wasting you time.
Trying to learn Tai Chi from a book is like trying to learn how to swim by
being thrown into the water with an instruction manual.  You may become
frustrated with Tai Chi and lose an opertunity because nothing written on Tai
Chi is as good as studying with a fair instructor.

If you write me a mail message (stephen@temvax.UUCP), I will check with my
instructor about masters in the centeral Jersey Area.  You problibly don't
need to start with a master.  One of their students will mostlikely do.
Personal, I found I did not learn any faster when I studied with a master that
when I studied with his students.

Good luck in your persuit of Tai Chi
