[soc.religion.eastern] Saptarishis

6500rss@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (07/12/90)

I recently had a conversation with a Tamilian who insisted that the
'big dipper' star cluster was not the Saptarishis, or seven rishis
originally sent by 
Brahma to disperse the Vedas. As a native of Andhra and part of a very
orthodox Brahmin family, I was taught that the stars did in fact rep-
resent the rishis. Could someone please clarify?     
Prabhu Ambatipudi -- at 6500rss@ucsbuxa.bitnet

sanjiv@hoss.unl.edu (Sanjiv K. Bhatia) (07/13/90)

In article <1188@idunno.Princeton.EDU> 6500rss@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu writes:
>I recently had a conversation with a Tamilian who insisted that the
>'big dipper' star cluster was not the Saptarishis, or seven rishis
>originally sent by 
>Brahma to disperse the Vedas. As a native of Andhra and part of a very
>orthodox Brahmin family, I was taught that the stars did in fact rep-
>resent the rishis. Could someone please clarify?     
>Prabhu Ambatipudi -- at 6500rss@ucsbuxa.bitnet

I think you are right.  I have always thought that the big dipper (ursa major)
is saptrishis.


Sanjiv K. Bhatia				Department of Computer Science
(402)-472-3485					Ferguson Hall 115
sanjiv@fergvax.unl.edu				University of Nebraska - Lincoln
						Lincoln, NE 68588-0115