[soc.religion.eastern] Looking for a philosophy/religion.READ/NEW

audit036@elroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (--->D.L.) (07/23/90)

In article <1303@idunno.Princeton.EDU>, KWOK@MPS.OHIO-STATE.EDU writes:
> In article (Mike Taylor) writes:
>> The problem I have is understanding what is meant by stuff like "when
>> you travel east, you also travel west", and "the present becomes the
>> past and the past becomes the present".
>  I haven't read the book, but let me try to...
>  The main question is "Do Space and Time have beginning and end".
>  The meaning of above sentences becomes clear if we interpret them
>  that space and time are cyclic.
	You are presenting quotes from koans, These are not for UNDERSTANDING,
 but on the contrary, a device to STOP the understanding mind, since they are
 obviously contradictory.

	The source will be either Chan or Zen & the attempt is at
 transcendence. i.e. bypass the mind & attcch directly to experience.

	And, NO I'm not there, just reading & experimenting.

>>> between fact and fantasy there is a thin zone, the creative zone <<<-> D.L.