[soc.religion.eastern] Administrivia for soc.religion.eastern

prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) (09/14/90)

Hi Folks,
   I would like to thank Mukund Srinivasan for having managed this
   newsgroup rather nicely since its creation in May. He has moved
   on to other things in Los Angeles and I am the new moderator of
   this newsgroup. You would've noticed that the transition hasn't
   been quite smooth. My apologies to people who have had their
   articles delayed during this period. Currently, there is(are) no
   alternate moderator(s) for this newsgroup during my absence.
   Any volunteers ?
   Anyways, here is a reminder of what this newsgroup is all about.
   I'll post this "adminsitrivial" notice every month. There are no
   major changes from the original charter of this newsgroup.
Dinesh Prabhu
				   Charter of soc.religion.eastern

1) The aim of the newsgroup is to provide a forum for the discussion
   of Eastern metaphysics/theology/logic. The word eastern in the 
   title of the newsgroup signifies religions with origins in South/
   South-East/Far-East Asia. For example, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,
   Sikhism, Shintoism, Taoism, etc.
2) All people, irrespective of their religious background, can post
   articles in this newsgroup.
3) Articles about western religious systems [Judaism/Christianity/Islam
   are also welcome if the aim is to make rational/objective comparisons
   of these systems with those discussed in this newsgroup [s.r.eastern]
4) The newsgroup will be moderated to prevent inflammatory articles,
   political articles, personal attacks, proselytizing, and to encourage 

   Note: The moderator for this newsgroup will be Dinesh Prabhu
5) The moderator will not impose his/her personal agenda on the newsgroup.
6) If an article is rejected the moderator will clearly state his/her
   reason(s) for doing so.
7) The moderator reserves the right to end a discussion if the discussion
   has gone on for a while and no further light is being shed on the topic
   of discussion.

            Guidelines for Posting to soc.religion.eastern

1) All articles must be sent to prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov. This process
   is probably automated with the newer version of rn.

2) Please keep the subject line as terse as possible and please avoid
   inflammatory subject lines.
3) Please keep your articles brief and to the point. I'll return long
   articles and ask you to resubmit them in multiple parts.
4) Please remember to sign your articles even though your article
   header identifies you. Signatures must not exceed four lines - I'll
   edit long signatures. However, I'll not edit/alter your article.
5) Please allow for one day's delay to see your article on the group.

   That's all there is to it.
   Dinesh Prabhu