[soc.religion.eastern] Wanted: Suggestions for good books to read

lvandyke@balboa.eng.uci.edu (Lee Van Dyke) (10/16/90)

Can anyone recommend their personal favorite book on eastern
religious topics?


jow@PacBell.COM (Jeff Westman) (10/18/90)

In article <1990Oct16.052827.4915@nas.nasa.gov> lvandyke@balboa.eng.uci.edu (Lee Van Dyke) writes:
  > Can anyone recommend their personal favorite book on eastern
  > religious topics?
  > Lee 

One of my favorites is, "The Cult Explosion", by Dave Hunt, Harvest House, 
198(6?).  It will absolutely blow your mind...


MXS126@PSUVM.PSU.EDU (10/19/90)

What religion or what topic are you interested in? I have read a variety
of different topics like life after death, relation of science and
religion, progressive revelation which are all good reads?
You can reply MXS126@psuvm.psu.edu if you like.
          Mahboobeh S.