[soc.religion.eastern] What the Vedas say about Kalki Avatar

pgd@bbt.se (10/25/90)

In article <1990Oct24.071217.20066@nas.nasa.gov> cyee@bruce.cs.monash.OZ.AU (Chut Ngeow YEE) writes:
>This year he declared that he is DA KALKI,  the tenth and final
>incarnation of Vishnu (the Divine as Sustainer),  the Avataric Incarnation
>anciently Promised for the "late time" or the "dark epoch".

Whatever he is, he is not a Visnu incarnation. There is none scheduled
to come at this time. All Visnu-incarnations are defined in the Vedic
scriptures, when they come, how they look, and who is the father, etc.

>From Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.25:

	athaasau yuga-sandhyaayaam
	  dasyu-praayesu raajasu
	janitaa visnu-yasaso
	  naamnaa kalkir jagat-patih

"After that, in between two yugas, the Lord of the Creation will be
born as Kalki, and be the sun of Visnu Yasa. At that point of time,
all the rulers of the world have been transformed into plunderers."

Before that, the previous incarnation was in "Kali yuga", which is the
current time period, which started around 5000 years ago (after the
battle of Kuruksetra). Kali yuga is the last time period in a group of
four, and after that the next group starts again with Satya Yuga.
Thus Kalki will incarnate at the end of Kali Yuga, and introduce the
new Satya-yuga.

Kali-yuga is 432 000 years long, so there will be 427000 more
years, before there is time for Kalki to come. 

This verse also says that his father will be called "Visnu Yasa"

So you can be very sure that any person proclaiming himself to be a
Visnu-incarnation, is not.

Now he can always reject the Vedas. But then it is no question of
Visnu either, since all knowledge about Visnu is coming from the

There are also more than ten incarnations of Visnu. 

Prsnigarbha das