[soc.religion.eastern] Body and Soul

cyee@bruce.cs.monash.OZ.AU (Chut Ngeow YEE) (10/16/90)

In response to recent postings on body and soul, I
will present here a beautiful writing on reincarnation
and the individual soul by a living Spiritual Master,
Da Kalki.

According to his view the so called 'soul' that migrate
from lifetime to lifetime is very much like a vortex
flowing down the river.  It is a forever changing process
that ultimately cannot be separated from the river itself
and other forms that arise in the river.

So the truth is in what Da Kalki called the Transcendental
Divine Self where all manifested beings and objects are
arising.  Holding on to any apparent entities or objects is
the root of our unlove and suffering.

Please note the use of capital letters.  About this 
Da Kalki writes:

	     The "centerpole" of this book is the "I AM" of
	Transcendental Divine Being. The upper case words
	express the Vision of Ecstatic Significance. And the
	lower case words (which appear only ocassionaly,
	like the upper case words in common speech and
	writing) achieve, by their infrequency, a special
	significance as indicators of conditional or limited
	     To read and understand this Testament is to be
	released from the egoic vision. Let it be so. Feel and
	speak (rather than merely think) this Message. The
	big and small letters interrupt the common flow of
	mind and signal the Unconscious that it is time to

     People Often Wonder Why, If All Of This Is So, They Do
Not Remember previous lifetimes (or previous circumstances Of
conditional Existence). Of Course, some people Do In Fact
Remember previous lifetimes (or previous circumstances Of
conditional Existence). Very Often Such Remembering Occurs
Spontaneously, In dreams, or In reveries, or In Meditation.
Even So, most people Claim Never To Have So Remembered. The
Reason For This Is That There Is No entity that Passes From
lifetime To lifetime. What Proceeds From lifetime To lifetime
Is The conditional Process Itself, Not a Fixed (or Eternal)
"personal" entity (or An Independent and Separate individual

	 The present lifetime (or the Apparent present personal
entity, which is Only the Apparent and conditional body-mind)
is the effect of what came before it. The past lifetimes (or
All The Cycles Of conditional embodiment) are effective as
causes for what Follows them. It Is Not That a Conscious and
Remembering entity lives, dies, and is re-born. The True and
Only Conscious Self Is Inherently and Inherently Perfectly and
Prefectly Subjectively and Always Transcendentally Existing, or
Existing Always Already Most Prior To conditional events and
The Memory Of them. Re-birth Is Simply The (Apparent)
Continuation Of The Process Of causes and effects That Produces
mind and body. The Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and
(Ultimately) Divine Self Never Changes, but It Is That Which
Becomes Aware Of the present body-mind that has been caused By
(and is Continuous With) The Residual (or Effective) Tendencies
Of the past body-mind. Therefore, The (Ultimately) Divine Self
Will Tend (In the form Of Process In the body-mind) To
Continue To Presume That It Is a conditional self, Until The
Divine Self Awakens To Its Real Condition (In the Event Of
Transcendental, and Inherently Spiritual, Divine Enlightenment).

	 The Transcendental (and Inherently Spiritual) Divine Self
Is Always Already Existing Transcendentally (or Most Priorly).
It Is (Itself) Never an entity (or a conditional, Separate,
Independent, and Migrating self, or individual Consciousness).
The Transcendental (and Inherently Spiritual) Divine Self Does
Not Move From lifetime To lifetime. Lifetimes Reproduce
themselves (As effects Follow causes). The Transcendental (and
Inherently Spiritual) Divine Self Merely (and Only Apparently)
Observes The Chain Of events As they arise. Therefore, The
Divine Self Does Not, In Itself, Remember the past, For It Does
Not (and Did Not Ever) Really Become a psycho-physical entity
in the present.

	 The Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and
(Ultimately) Divine Self Does Not, In Itself, Have a Memory Of
past lives. As Soon As the present lifetime (or Even the
present moment) passes, The (Ultimately) Divine Self Ceases To
Identify With it (Unless A Memory arises In mind To Suggest
Such Identification). Therefore, The Chain Of lifetimes (or The
Progression Of experiences of conditional mind and embodiment)
Is Itself The Memory (or The Mechanism Of Memory). If past
moments in the present lifetime Are To Be Remembered, The Only
Requirement Is That attention Pass Through The Relatively
Superficial or Surface Strata Of The Chain Of Recent Memory.
However, If past lifetimes Are To Be Remembered, attention Must
Migrate Through The deep psychic Core Of the Memory Chain. And
This Does Not Tend To Occur (or To Be Noticed), Unless an
individual Is Disposed (and, Perhaps, Even Intentionally
oriented) Toward Such psychic Exploration.

     You Are Not the Same entity or personality that lived in
many past lifetimes. You Are The Transcendental, Inherently
Spiritual, and (Ultimately) Divine Self, Presently (but Only
Apparently) Aware Of a body-mind that is itself a direct effect
of many past lifetimes. Therefore, Memory Of past lifetimes
Will Not Necessarily Reflect or Express The Remaining (or
effective) Tendencies Of all past lifetimes and causes that
directly precede or caused the present lifetime.

     Every birth (or re-birth) Is A Plunge Into material (or
Otherwise conditional) ignorance (With Coincident Loss, or
Forgetting, Of Divine Ignorance Itself).

     Every lifetime Is Begun With (and By Means Of) The Loss
(or Forgetting) Of Every Previous (and Otherwise Eternal)

	 			- The Dawn Horse Testament -
				- The Testament Of Secrets -
			    	  (The Divine World-Teacher,
			  	  Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda)

kraus@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (10/28/90)

In article <1990Oct16.052640.4686@nas.nasa.gov> courtney@inmet.inmet.com writes:

>As for consciousness 'coming out of matter'.  This is considered a 
>diseased view.  They always stress that like causes like and that it 
>is impossible that mind/consciousness/awareness can be caused
>by matter (or the brain).  They of course will agree that states of
>consciousness (gross ones) are effected by the body/brain but the
>innate mind cannot be caused or originate from matter.  Now - this is
>a view - and one I don't necessarily hold - but it is convincing
>enough where I think I can base some actions of my life! ........

The Yogi Ramacharaka would agree with you. Its been awhile since I read
his thoughts on this subject in "Gnani Yoga", but basically , Yoga
philosophy states that it is matter that is generated from mind, and that
mind is generated from spirit. From this one might conclude that an individual
mind/soul might be directing the development of it's "housing" ,the body,
even before the human egg is fertilized, and that this mind/soul continues
to influence development after fertilization.

Ramacharaka also states that mind is simply a form of highly refined matter,
and that spirit is a form of highly refined mind. Spirit comes first and then
involves into its grossest form (matter) before evolution begins. The
evolution we see in the visible physical world is mirrored in the mind/spirit
arena. Anyway , this book makes for interesting reading.

====  David R. Kraus ============ | "Some terribly insightful
|     (619) 693-5539              |  quote that shakes the
|                                 |  foundation of all your
|   kraus@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM  |  beliefs."