[soc.religion.eastern] Guru Nanak Dev's Mission

tbutalia@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Tarunjit S. Butalia) (11/14/90)

                    GURU NANAK DEV JI'S MISSION
Before embarking on the topic, let us see what the word GURU means
in Sikhism.  The word GURU is so popular in India that in order to
understand the fundamental concept of GURU in  Sikhism,  one  must
first drive out of one's mind the prevelant popular  Hindu  notion
of a Guru. The popular term GURU often  used  in  Hinduism  for  a
Brahmin, a yogic teacher or a guide or even a school teacher,  has
made the concept of Guruship so cheap  that  a  scholar  describes
these guru's as  "wicks  that  smell  foul  after  the  lamps  are
extinguised".  The term GURU in SIKHISM is not used for a  teacher
or a guide or an expert or even a human body.  The  word  GURU  in
Sikhism is composed of two terms -
                  GU  - means darkness  and
                  RU  - means light.
In Sikhism, the word GURU  is  thus  defined  as  the  light  that
dispels all darkness and that is called JOT (Divine Light).   Guru
Nanak was, thus the embodiment of the  Divine  light.   In  Basant
Mohalla 5, pp 1192 of Guru Granth Sahib, it is written -
ie       Guru Nanak is the embodiment of the light of God.
Literally speaking, Guru Nanak's body was a  platform  from  which
God himself spoke and  delvered  his  message  -  GURBANI  (Divine
Message).  God manifested himself through Nanak -
         "Gur Meh Aap Samoai Sabad Vartaya"
                                  - Var Makar ki Mohalla 1 ,
                                    pp 1279 of Guru Granth Sahib.
ie        In the true Guru (Nanak) He installed  his  own  spirit,
          through him God speaks himself.
In Maru Mohalla 1, pp 1024 of Guru Granth Sahib -
         "Gur Meh Aap Rakhaya Kartare"
ie        In the body of Guru (Nanak), God revealth himself.
God is in the Guru and Guru is in the God. In Gaund Mohalla 5,  pp
865 of Guru Granth Sahib -
         "Gur Nanak, Nanak Har Soai"
ie        O, Nanak, Jot of Nanak and God are one.
The objective of Guru Nanak's Guruship was to give instructions in
the true name, to save humanity from immersing  in  the  ocean  of
distress and misery arising out of worldly life.   It  has  always
been believed that whenever the righteousness vanishes  from  this
world and falsehood takes it place, there has been a call from the
Heaven to restore peace and justice on earth.   Out  of  the  dark
clouds of falsehood, hypocrisy, injustice,  cruelty  and  bigotry,
there came a ray of sunshine from the Heaven as described by  Bhai
Gurdas Ji in Var 1, pauri 23 -
         "Suni Pukar Datar Prabh, Gur Nanak Jag Mahi Pathaya,
          Charan Dhoai Rahiras Kar, Charnamat Sikha Pilaya   "
This pauri ends with
         "Kaljug Babae Tariya, Satnam Parh Mantra Sunaya,
          Kal Taran Guru Nanak Aaya                          "
ie        The Guru has brought salvation in this wretched world,
          His song of Nam gives us new life,
          Guru Nanak came as saviour of this age of materialism.
Again in Var 1, pauri 27, Bhai Gurdas writes -
         "Satguru Nanak Pragtaya, Miti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoya"
ie        Nanak came, the world was  lighted,  the  sun  rose  and
          darkness disappeared.
Haeven atlast had heard the cries and prayers of the opressed  and
there appeared the Saviour of Humanity, Prophet of Peace, Fountain
of Love and Ocean of Virtue in the name of Guru Nanak, the founder
of Sikh Religion.
Sikhism is not a blend or a reproduction of earlier religions  but
is a new reveleation alteogther.  The  teachings  that  the  Gurus
gave to this world came direct to them from God.   It  seems  that
all scholars like Malcom, Cunningham, Trumpp of the past  and  the
McLoed's and Khushwant Singh's of today have not grasped the basic
fundamental concept  about  the  divinty  of  Guru  Nanak.   These
writers seem to be very much ignorant about  the  fact  that  Guru
Nanak was an Embodiment of the Divine Light.  He was  a  celestial
being and his divine attributes put  him  above  mankind  and  its
Guru Nanak's divinity is above all earthly institutions and  their
teachings.  The message that Guru Nanak gave to this world came to
him direct rom God as Nanak himself confirms in Tilag  Mohalla  1,
pp-722 of Guru Granth Sahib -
         "Jaisi Mai Avaa Khasam Ki Bani, Taisra Kari Gyan Va Lalo"
ie        O Lalo, as comes the divine  word  from  God,  So  do  I
          narrate it
Again in Wadhans Mohalla 1, pp-566  of  Guru  Granth  Sahib,  Guru
Sahib says -
         "I am saying what he commands me to say"
Inspite of repeating the above mentioned shabads  so  many  times,
some of us still believe  that  Sikhism  arose  out  of  Hinduism.
Those who say so  are  thus  contradicting  their  own  Guru.  And
any person who claims to be a Sikh, cannot and will not  defy  his
Guru.  Thus, Sikhism is infact a new reveleation and  religion  in
Thus, the seed for reformation of humanity which was sown by  Guru
Nanak and was watered by his successors, ripened in  the  time  of
Guru Gobind Singh and culminated in creation of the  Khalsa.   The
sword that carved the Khalsa's way to sublim glory was undoubtedly
forged by Guru Gobind Singh, but its steel was  provided  by  Guru
Nanak.  The whole program of Guru Nanak's initiation  reached  its
exalted state of finality when the Tenth Nanak (Guru Gobind Singh)
passed on "GURU NANAK JOT" to the Adi Granth, Holy Scripture - par
excellence, and proclaimed it as GURU GRANTH SAHIB - the last GURU
for ever.
References -
         1.  Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
         2.  Amrit Kirtan.
         3.  Sikh Religion by Sikh Mission. Centre, Michigan,1989.
         4.  The Sikh Religion by Max Arthur Macauliffe, 1909.
                                           Tarunjit Singh