[soc.religion.eastern] Ramayana

sterrett%chem@ucsd.edu (Tony Sterrett) (11/26/90)

	Can anybody provide a good english reference (booK)
	for the Ramayana.                       
	Please include ISBN if known.

	Tony Sterrett

b724zbb@utarlg.utarl.edu (Kedar Kulkarni) (11/27/90)

In article <1990Nov26.012740.5631@nas.nasa.gov>, sterrett%chem@ucsd.edu (Tony Sterrett) writes...
>	Can anybody provide a good english reference (booK)
>	for the Ramayana.                       
>	Please include ISBN if known.
>	Tony Sterrett

	There is one by C.RajaGopalachari.
	Don't know ISBN .

Kedar (*** THE (OS)MANIAC ***)

mvishnu@csg.waterloo.edu (Meenan Vishnu) (11/28/90)

In article <1990Nov26.012740.5631@nas.nasa.gov>, sterrett%chem@ucsd.edu (Tony Sterrett) writes...
>	Can anybody provide a good english reference (booK)
>	for the Ramayana.                       
>	Please include ISBN if known.
>	Tony Sterrett

        I found the translation by William Buck quite readable.
        It is available in most bookstores.
        I read a paperback edition that only costs $3.95 (Canada)

        There are still others, but are somewhat hard to read.
        The one that comes to my mind is "Ramayana and Mahabharata"
        I forget the translators.  If you need more information
        I can find out.  Please e-mail me a note.

(University of Waterloo, Canada)