[soc.religion.eastern] Anticipations of Modern Science in Hindu Scriptures?

loren@ingrid.llnl.gov (Loren Petrich) (11/28/90)

	I remember once reading a claim in this newsgroup to the
effect that some Hindu scriptures contained an anticipation of the
discovery of the Big Bang. Exactly what was it?

	I know that there are those who connect Quantum Mechanics with
Eastern philosophies, but I'm not impressed with the suppsed
connection, because of lack of detail.

	I wonder what other claims have been made in this field?
Claims of, say, anticipations of biological evolution, continental
drift, the hierarchy of structure in the Universe, complete with size
and time scales, and other such things.

	I'm not impressed with most such claimed anticipations,
because there are usually lots of details that turn out not to match,
but it would be interesting to see what people claim.

Loren Petrich, the Master Blaster: loren@sunlight.llnl.gov

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