[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.eastern statistics

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) (12/16/90)

 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 12-9-90:12-15-90

 number of new articles received = 24
 number of articles reposted     =  3
 number of articles rejected     =  0
 total number of articles posted = 27

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh Prabhu

 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(N) = new thread, (R) = repost]         e-mail address and name
 12-9     Re: Question on detachment (R)           hugh@chook.ua.oz.au
                                                   [Hugh Garsden]
 12-9     Reincarnation (N)                        hugh@achilles.adelaide.edu.au
                                                   [Hugh Garsden]
 12-10    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      mayne@sun10.scri.fsu.edu
                                                   [William Mayne]
 12-10    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      chee1a@jetson.uh.edu
                                                   [Bandula Jayatilaka]
 12-10    Re: Reincarnation                        esot@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
                                                   [Eric Sotnak]
 12-10    Re: Question on detachment (R)           hugh@achilles.adelaide.edu.au
                                                   [Hugh Garsden]
 12-11    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      mayne@sun10.scri.fsu.edu
                                                   [William Mayne]
 12-11    Re: Reincarnation                        jwl@mvutd.att.com       
                                                   [James Lacey]
 12-11    "Superiority" of Nichiren Shoshu (N)     left@twg.com
          (Was Re: Superiority of the Lotus Sutra] [Lefty]
 12-11    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      tilley@cs.rochester.edu
                                                   [Dave Tilley]
 12-12    Administrivia and other things (N)       prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
                                                   [Dinesh Prabhu]
 12-12    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-12    Re: "Superiority" of Nichiren Shoshu     kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
          (Was Re: Superiority of the Lotus Sutra] [Keith Evans]
 12-12    Re: "Superiority" of Nichiren Shoshu     tilley@cs.rochester.edu
          (Was Re: Superiority of the Lotus Sutra] [Dave Tilley]
 12-13    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-13    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-13    Re: Reincarnation                        kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-13    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      mayne@sun10.scri.fsu.edu
                                                   [William Mayne]
 12-13    Re: Reincarnation                        kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-13    Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism - I  (N)        jdoskow@spiff.Tymnet.COM
                                                   [Jonathan Doskow]
 12-13    Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism - II (N)        jdoskow@spiff.Tymnet.COM
                                                   [Jonathan Doskow]
 12-13    Re: "Superiority" of Nichiren Shoshu (R) tilley@cs.rochester.edu
          (Was Re: Superiority of the Lotus Sutra] [Dave Tilley]
 12-14    Is this YOUR mind ? (N)                  kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-14    Re: Administrivia and other things       prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
                                                   [Dinesh Prabhu]
 12-14    Re: Buddha Dharma and free thinking      tilley@acl.kodak.com
                                                   [Dave Tilley]
 12-15    from *BUDDHISM*  (N)                     chungdan@portia.stanford.edu
          (el pos^t-listo pri Budaismo)            [Zhueng Qi Iao (Daniel)]
 12-15    soc.religion.eastern statistics          prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
                                                   [Dinesh Prabhu]