[net.bugs.4bsd] vax pdp-11 compatibility mode

dfr@stcvax.UUCP (Dennis Reed) (04/20/85)

i am in search of a reliable version of compat for
my vax-11/750 running 4.1bsd.  the area of concern
is floating point emulation.  we have made numerous
fixes here (which anyone is welcome to, by the way),
but aren't all the way there yet.  if anyone has
or knows of a working(?) version, please respond via
email.  and while i'm at it, if anyone has moved compat
to 4.2bsd, i would be interested as well.

as always, thanks in advance...


{hao ihnp4 decvax ucbvax!nbires}!stcvax!dfr		Dennis F. Reed
StorageTek Corporation, MD-3T, Louisville, CO 80028	303-673-3605