[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.eastern statistics for 12/16-12/22

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) (12/23/90)

 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 12/16/90-12/22/90

 number of new articles received = 27
 number of articles reposted     =  0
 number of articles rejected     =  0
 total number of articles posted = 27

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh Prabhu

 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(N) = new thread, (R) = repost]         e-mail address and name
 12-16    Re: Reincarnation                        hugh%chook.adelaide.edu.au@
                                                   [Hugh Garsden]
 12-17    Buddhism and Ethics (N)                  david@star2.cm.utexas.edu
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)              [David Sigeti]
 12-17    Buddhism and the reality of the          david@star2.cm.utexas.edu
          phenomenal world (N)                     [David Sigeti]
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)
 12-17    Re: Is this YOUR mind?                   tilley@acl.kodak.com
                                                   [Dave Tilley]
 12-17    Re: Reincarnation                        chee1a@jetson.uh.edu
                                                   [Bandula Jayatilaka]
 12-18    Re: Buddhist non-violence (N)             chee1a@jetson.uh.edu
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)              [Bandula Jayatilaka]
 12-18    Re: Fundamental Flaw                     muttiah@stable.ecn.purdue.edu
          (Buddhism and the reality of             [Ranjan S Muttiah]
           the phenomenal world)
 12-19    End-of-The-World Speculations? (N)       loren@dweasel.llnl.gov
                                                   [Loren Petrich]
 12-19    Re: Question on detachment               secbh@cunyvm.bitnet
                                                   [Jack Carroll]
 12-19    Lotus Sutra/Women in Buddhism (N)        secbh@cunyvm.bitnet
                                                   [Jack Carroll]
 12-19    T'ien-T'ai (N)                           kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-19    essence (N)                              kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
                                                   [Keith Evans]
 12-19    Re: Buddhism and the reality of the      tp0x+@cs.cmu.edu
          phenomenal world                         [Thomas Price]
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)
 12-19    Re: Buddhism and the reality of the      david@star2.cm.utexas.edu
          phenomenal world                         [David Sigeti]
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)
 12-19    translation question (traduko)           chungdan@portia.stanford.edu
                                                   [Zheung Qi Iao (Daniel)]
 12-19    Buddhism and Brahminism (N)              david@star2.cm.utexas.edu
                                                   [David Sigeti]
 12-20    Re: translation question (traduko)       esot@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
                                                   [Eric Sotnak]
 12-20    Re: Question on detachment               tilley@ssd.kodak.com
                                                   [David Tilley]
 12-20    Heads or Tails (N)                       dks6489@mesunw54.njit.edu
                                                   [Dilip Sampath]
 12-20    Re: Nichiren Soshen Buddhism             ntm1836@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil
          Parts I & II                             [Ken Burch]
 12-21    Re: End-Of-The-World Speculations?       hughes@copper.ucs.indiana.edu
                                                   [Larry Hughes]
 12-21    Re: Question on detachment               secbh@cunyvm.bitnet
                                                   [Jack Carroll]
 12-21    Re: Nichiren Soshen Buddhism             tilley@ssd.kodak.com
          Parts I & II                             [David Tilley]
 12-21    Re: Buddhism and the reality of the      david@star2.cm.utexas.edu
          phenomenal world                         [David Sigeti]
          (was Re: bloody Buddhists!)
 12-22    Re: T'ien-T'ai                           chungdan@portia.stanford.edu
                                                   [Zheung Qi Iao (Daniel)]
 12-22    Chinese books (C^in-lingvaj libroj)? (N) chungdan@portia.stanford.edu
                                                   [Zheung Qi Iao (Daniel)]
 12-22    Announcement                             prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
                                                   [Dinesh Prabhu]
 12-22    soc.religion.eastern statistics          prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
                                                   [Dinesh Prabhu]