[soc.religion.eastern] Why chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov ( Keith Evans) (01/01/91)

In article <1990Dec21.072748.7002@nas.nasa.gov> ntm1836@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil (Ken Burch) writes:

>> [5] Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
>> The core of Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, the expression of the
>> fundamental law of the universe.  It is often translated, "devotion or 
>> correct relationship to the mystic law of cause and effect through 
>> sound or vibration."  The Daishonin stated emphatically that the 
>> recitation of this phrase enabled one to manifest his enlightened 
>> nature without fail.
>Overall, I thought this 2-part article was very good.  I still fail to
>see, however, the special significance of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

One chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in front of the Gohonzon. The Gohonzon (the
physical manifestation of all life's functions in their enlightened form)
is the external cause, and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the internal
cause that produces the effect of Buddhahood in the individual,
instantaneously. So actually by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we are in
the life-condition of Buddhahood. This is absolute freedom, as no matter
what situation one is in, he can chant and gain the wisdom to extricate
himself (or herself) and relieve their suffering.

  >In Summary:
  >	I think Mantras are fine.
  >	I think Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is fine.

The Lotus Sutra makes no mention of mudras and mantras.

  >	Having read the Lotus Sutra would probably help one who
  >	chants "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo". I know several who chant
  >	this and have not read the Sutra. Chanting this in order
  >	to obtain a raise at work or drugs or a car or whatever
  >	seems to be an exorcise in grasping and greed.

For new believers, there is great value in that as it shows them the
power of chanting and helps deepen their faith. On a deeper level,
since once is in the state of Buddhahood when chanting, anything that
makes one chant is good, as it lets them attain Buddhahood. So in this
sense earthly desires leads to Buddhahood. Also, in another sense, it
is fulfilling one dreams and desires. By fulfilling one's desires,
and soon finding that the happiness is only temporary, one gains a
better understanding of what true happiness is (or what it isn't). 

That's how Shakyamuni explained the true entity of life in the Sutra
of Infinite Meaning, by using the 34 non-negatives, to explain what it 
isn't as a means of explaining what it is.

Practice is more important
than theory. It seems to me, that denying one's desires will only lead
to a theoretical understanding of what true happiness is.

Chanting to the Gohonzon is the means of seeing one's mind. Then, one 
can see that all the world's problems exist in you yourself. So, 
chanting to ovecome them, not only lets one attain Buddhahood, but is
also the cause for solving the world's problems.

I have heard of some people's experiences and how they started chanting
for drugs and got them. But, if they continued chanting, something happened
that made them realize that drugs was not the key to true happiness.

I have also heard of experiences, where one starts to chant 1,000,000
daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) for a personal desire, and after a while,
they become less concerned about their personal desire and more concerned
about others.

Keith Evans   (kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov)

simmonds@demon.siemens.com (Tom Simmonds) (01/03/91)

>From: kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov ( Keith Evans)
>Subject: Re: Why chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

>>> [5] Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
>>> The core of Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, the expression of the
>>> fundamental law of the universe.  It is often translated, "devotion or 
>>> correct relationship to the mystic law of cause and effect through 
>>> sound or vibration."  The Daishonin stated emphatically that the 
>>> recitation of this phrase enabled one to manifest his enlightened 
>>> nature without fail.

>So actually by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we are in
>the life-condition of Buddhahood. This is absolute freedom, as no matter
>what situation one is in, he can chant and gain the wisdom to extricate
>himself (or herself) and relieve their suffering.

As I understand it, in the absolute freedom of Buddhahood, the Buddha-Mind
is free regardless of "situation", there is no need to "extricate" anything,
there is nothing to "extricate", and nothing to "extricate" anything from.
Buddhism is not escapism; it is the elimination of attachment to any concept
or form, which is freedom from Ignorance.  We see the Buddha-Mind flowing
freely when we stop trying to "fence it in" with limited, and limiting, ideas.

It seems to me that as long as you are attached to some specific form or
idea, including the idea that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is something
special (as opposed to chanting something like "bamma-lamma-ding-dong"),
then you have not attained the absolute freedom of Buddhahood.  IMHO,
you'd be better off chanting "bamma-lamma-ding-dong" because, unlike
"nam-myoho-renge-kyo", it has no meaning, no supposed special purpose, and no
special "scriptural" endorsement to get attached to.  As long as you think
there is some difference between "Nam-myoho..." and "bamma-lamma...", or
between chanting and grocery shopping, you are not enlightened; even if you
chant for a thousand years.  On the other hand, if you chant without
attachments of any kind, then there is Buddha-Mind regardless of *what* you
chant and regardless of whether you are chanting or grocery shopping.  In
that case, there is enlightenment in chanting "nam-myoho-renge-kyo", but
it has nothing to do with any special attribute of those particular words.

"There are no inferior bamboos in the forest"

"The ordinary mind is it."

"Gathering wood and carrying water."

"Nothing special."

  ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))tom simmonds))))))))))))))))))))
  ))))))) "True beauty consists in purity of heart." - Mahatma Gandhi ))))))))