[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.eastern statistics for 1/6/91-1/12/91

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) (01/13/91)

 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 1/6/90-1/12/91

 number of new articles received = 11
 number of articles reposted     =  0
 number of articles rejected     =  0
 total number of articles posted = 11

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh Prabhu

 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(N) = new thread, (R) = repost]         e-mail address and name
  1-6     Re: Some Shinto Mythology                esot@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
                                                   [Eric Sotnak]
  1-6     Re: Are Zen enlightened people superior? tp0x+@cs.cmu.edu
                                                   [Thomas Price]
  1-7     Re: paco en la Golfo de Persio           chungdan@portia.stanford.edu
          (transafis^o)                            [Zhueng Qi Iao (Daniel)]
  1-9     Re: Are Zen enlightened people superior? simmonds@demon.siemens.com
                                                   [Tom Simmonds]
  1-10    Re. to Q. on karma, rebirth and effects  chee1a1@jetson.uh.edu
                                                   [Bandula Jayatilaka]
  1-10    subtle mission (N)                       harm@slacvm.slac.stanford.edu
  1-10    Re: Some Shinto Mythology                jdoskow@tymnet.com
                                                   [Jonathan Doskow]
  1-10    Re: Are Zen enlightened people superior? lpdjb@brahms.amd.com
  1-10    Re: Are Zen enlightened people superior? tp0x+@cs.cmu.edu
                                                   [Thomas Price]
  1-10    Some Replies (N)                         jdoskow@tymnet.com
                                                   [Jonathan Doskow]
  1-12    soc.religion.eastern statistics          prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov
          for 1/6/91-1/12/91                       [Dinesh K. Prabhu]