[soc.religion.eastern] _Magic & Mystery in Tibet_

mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill) Mayne) (02/06/91)

I am presently reading _Magic & Mystery in Tibet_ 
by Alexandra David-Neel.

This book is very interesting and of great enjoyment
to me. But as I read, I find myself wondering about
the author and the honesty of the experiences she
writes about. A friend assures me that the author 
is for real. But I find myself still wondering... 

Anyway, does anyone know of the background of David-Neel,
and of the culture of which she writes. If so, I would
be most grateful to anyone for sharing what ever knowledge 
they have on this.

To be honest, I am totally ignorant of her topic. Though 
I am very familier with the mysticism of Sufism. So what 
she writes about does not really supprise me, nor puts me
off in anyway. In fact, just the opposite, which is why 
I'm wondering about the author and her background.

  Thanks in advance:
	David Hatcher

torkel@sics.se (Torkel Franzen) (02/06/91)

In article <2093@sun13.scri.fsu.edu> mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill)
 Mayne) writes: 

[This attribution is incorrect, probably due to my error in posting an
article by someone else - Sorry about that! -- Acting moderator]

   >Anyway, does anyone know of the background of David-Neel,
   >and of the culture of which she writes. If so, I would
   >be most grateful to anyone for sharing what ever knowledge 
   >they have on this.

  David-Neel (1868-1969!) is well known. A readable account of her
remarkable life is given in 'Alexandra David-Neel - Portrait of an
Adventurer' by Ruth Middleton. David-Neel's many books about Buddhism,
of which I have only read a minute fraction, testify to her vast
knowledge and understanding of the subject.