[soc.religion.eastern] Administrivia, Statistics for soc.religion.eastern

mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne) (02/07/91)

Hi, folks. After some initial problems taking over as acting
moderator during Dinesh's absence I hope things are starting
to go smoothly. Some people have been emailing me articles
directly. Some posted to the news group may have been
properly forwarded to me. Some have gone to Dinesh and he
has sent them to me.

After some initial trouble caused the configuration of the
news software at my site I started posting articles yesterday
(Feb. 5). Actually the first articles arrived here late on 
Feb. 4, although some had gone to Dinesh earlier.  The software
trouble added only a few hours to the delay.


number of new articles received = 12
number of articles reposted     =  0
number of articles rejected     =  0
total number of articles posted = 14 *

* Two new articles were posted twice, due to either my error
and/or receiving multiple copies and posting before I
realized this. Duplicates are marked (*) in the list below.

Sorry, I have not kept statistics of the quality kept by
Dinesh, listing authors for each article. Frankly I have been
overwhelmed by the volume and my own ignorance. If you submit 
an article and don't see it within two days please email an inquiry
directly to me, including the text of the article, if possible.
Be sure to separate your inquiry or other message to me (which
should appear first) from the article.

Things do seem to be working now. Thanks to all who have
contributed the unusual amount of traffic in the last
few days.

Bill Mayne, Acting moderator, soc.religion.misc
email: mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu

Articles posted since Dinesh's last statistics:

  455 Re: Buddhist & Gulf war (for s.r.e)
* 456 Re: Buddhist & Gulf war (for s.r.e)
  457 Buddhists & the Gulf War
  458 Re: KE for Q. on Karma and Rebirth
  459 Buddhist Neuroepistemology??
  460 Buddhism-text-1 (cont'd)
  461 Buddhism-text-I
  462 Buddhism-text-II
  463 Buddhism-text-III
  464 Buddhist-text-1
  465 _Magic & Mystery in Tibet_
  466 Dualism  precipitates war (Re: Buddhists & the Gulf War)
  467 Re: _Magic & Mystery in Tibet_
* 468 Dualism  precipitates war (Re: Buddhists & the Gulf War)