[soc.religion.eastern] Statistics for soc.religion.eastern, 2/6-2/11/91

mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne) (02/12/91)

As I had hoped when the last Admistrivia was posted on 2/6 things have
been going fairly smoothly with soc.religion.eastern. The volume has
remained high. I check my mail several times during the day and posted
received articles as soon as possible. No articles have been rejected.
Thanks to all contributors.

Bill Mayne - Acting moderator

During the period 2/6 thru 2/11 the following 14 articles have been
received and posted:

  459 Re: KE for Q. on Karma and Rebirth
      kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Keith Evans)
  460 Re: KE for Q. on Karma and Rebirth
      mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne)
  461 Re: Buddhists & the Gulf War
      pingali%gaia@cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali)
  462 Life is suffering?
      jeff@ics.uci.edu (Jeff Erickson)
  463 Buddhists & Gulf War (continued...)
      pingali%gaia@cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali)
  464 Re: Why teach Zen?
      wstrutin@lehi3b15.csee.lehigh.edu (Wendy Strutin)
  465 Re; KE for Q. on Karma and Rebirth
      Subash@uh.edu (Bandula)
  466 Re: Question on Buddhism and Hinduism
      chee1a1@jetson.uh.edu (Bandula)
  467 Re: Practical Meditation 101
      stone@mars.mpr.ca (Darren Stone)
  468 Re: Re; KE for Q. on Karma and Rebirth
      kde@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Keith Evans)
  469 The Awakening (two pieces combined)
      tonys@sco.COM (Tony Sheppard)
  470 Buddha-text-5
      v111q3r9@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Yi L Chiang)
  471 MEDITATION FOR PEACE - 13 February
      gst@gnosys.svle.ma.us (Gary S. Trujillo)
  472 Final ans. to Keith,no more circ. args.pl.(was Re: Karma and Rebirth
      Subash@uh.edu (Bandula)