[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.misc statistics for 2/12/91 to 2/15/91.

mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne, acting moderator) (02/16/91)

A total of 15 articles have been received and posted during the most
recent period. I am glad to see some good questions which had gone
unanswered at first have started getting some response. Thanks to all
who have contributed. I will continue to try to post promptly in the
hopes that that will facilitate  discussion. But I do have other work
to do (dukkha!), and sometimes delays may happen.

As usual no articles have been rejected. Editting has been limited to
changing titles for followups to an article accidentally posted with
the wrong title and similar corrections. There is some confusion in the
format when articles are emailed directly. More than one subject line
and absense of a newsgroups line are especially troublesome. So please
use the regular followup procedure when submitting articles. The earlier
problem which led me to suggest using email instead has been corrected.
Thanks to all for your cooperation.

Here are the articles which have gone out. If you haven't got them at
your site the problem is elsewhere:

From: moskowit@paul.rutgers.edu (Len Moskowitz)
Subject: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-Id: <Feb.>

From: mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill) Mayne)
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-ID: <2223@sun13.scri.fsu.edu>

From: tilley@ssd.kodak.com (David Tilley)
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-ID: <1991Feb12.155232.5542@ssd.kodak.com>

From: torkel@sics.se (Torkel Franzen)
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-ID: <1991Feb12.181937.9793@sics.se>

From: acosta@locus.com (Joseph Acosta)
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-ID: <1991Feb12.215040.782075@locus.com>

From: fleming@acsu.buffalo.edu (christine m fleming)
Subject: Buffalo, NY area -- Mahasivaratri Celebration
Message-ID: <59410@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>

From: gam@netcom.COM (Gordon Moffett)
Subject: _Tao Te Ching_ on tape?
Message-ID: <23859@netcom.COM>

From: hugh@cs.adelaide.edu.au (Hugh Garsden)
Subject: News Article for soc.religion.eastern
(My error. Should have been "Desire for enlightenment".
Followups have been changed to that.)
Message-ID: <9102130550.AA12553@chook.ua.oz.au>

From: jdoskow@Tymnet.COM (Jonathan Doskow)
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism?
Message-ID: <9102142243.AA23844@spiff.Tymnet.COM>

From: chungdan@elaine11.stanford.edu (Zhueng Qi Iao (Daniel))
Subject: Re: Is Nicherin Shoshu Buddhism? ((pri: Nitiren))
Message-ID: <1991Feb15.005448.1945@portia.Stanford.EDU>

From: jdoskow@Tymnet.COM (Jonathan Doskow)
Subject: Eternal Life
Message-ID: <2282@sun13.scri.fsu.edu>

From: simmonds@demon.siemens.com (Tom Simmonds)
Subject: RE: Questions about Buddhism and Hinduism
Message-ID: <52671@siemens.siemens.com>

From: vedas@tesla.njit.edu
Subject: War or Non-violence: BGA INVITATION
Message-ID: <1146@tesla.njit.edu>

From: chee1a1@jetson.uh.edu (Bandula Jayatilaka)
Subject: Re: Desire for Enlightenment
Message-ID: <8544.27bbea59@jetson.uh.edu>

From: acosta@locus.com (Joseph Acosta)
Subject: Re: Desire for enlightenment
Message-ID: <1991Feb15.204617.704534@locus.com>