[soc.religion.eastern] Sikhs?

robert@cs.arizona.edu (Robert J. Drabek) (02/18/91)

There was, and I believe still is, a 3HO group here in Tucson, Arizona.
They are vegetarian--I took a 6-week cooking class from them some years

They were active in fighting drug dependency here, but because of the
conservative politics in this state, they had trouble getting continued
financial support for the program.  They moved out of a nice large
dormitory-like building a while back, and while I have seen them around
occasionally (well, people who wear the same type of clothes) I don't
know what has become of them.

Robert J. Drabek                            robert@cs.Arizona.EDU
Department of Computer Science              uunet!arizona!robert
The University of Arizona                   602 621 4326
Tucson, AZ  85721