[soc.religion.eastern] Buffalo, NY: LIFE IN TIBET UNDER CHINA'S CONTROL

fleming@acsu.buffalo.edu (christine m fleming) (02/18/91)

Forbidden Freedoms:

        -:*   LIFE  IN  TIBET  UNDER  CHINA'S  CONTROL  *:-

-:* Venerable Lobsang Jinpa, *:-
a young Tibetan monk who escaped from TIbet in 1987, is in the United
States to accept the human rights award sponsored by the Reebok
Foundation. He was nominated for this award first in 1988, but,
Lobsang Jinpa was not able to travel to the United States at that
time. In 1990 he accepted the award "on behalf of the Tibetan people."

Venerable Lobsang Jinpa will give an illustrated talk featuring a
slide presentation on:

               -:* FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 *:-

     at: 2:30 p.m.                        at: 7:30 p.m.
 University of Buffalo, North Campus      Unitarian Church
  Faculty Lounge                            695 Elmwood Ave.
  Room 545, School of Law                   (Corner of Elmwood 
  O'Brian Hall                               and West Ferry)
  Call Joy for details:                     Call Martin McGee for details:
  (716) 636-2073                            (716) 834-3991

Sponsored by: W.N.Y. Organizing Committee for the Year of Tibet 1991; 
    Human Rights Center, University of Buffalo; Amnesty International,
    USA; Native American People's Allience.