[soc.religion.eastern] E-sources of various sacred texts

chris@uunet.UU.NET (Chris Mynahan) (03/03/91)

I saw an ad recently for the Bhagavad Gita for MS-DOS.

Quoting the ad:

	Bhagavad-Gita for DOS computers
	(requires 2 Meg Hard disk space)
	Full index and search programs included
	Low, Low Introductory price $20*
	When ordering specify floppy type (3 1/2 or 5 1/4)
	and monitor (Color or monochrome)

	Bhaktivedanta Archives
	PO Box 34453
	Los Angeles CA  90034
	Phone (213) 559-2143

	* Plus postage US $2, Other $5
	California Residents add $1.35 sales tax

It sounded pretty good to me, but I haven't gotten around to ordering yet.
I think I remember hearing at some point that the someone was putting 
the Srimad-Bhagvatam on CD-ROM but I don't know what the status of that
project is. (It is available on audio tape, though.)

Standard Disclaimers apply. I have no stake whatsoever in the above