[soc.religion.eastern] Words of the Buddha

pingali@.cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali) (03/06/91)

The following words were spoken by the Buddha to
promote peace among all living beings (the original
is in Pali).

yanidha bhutani        |  Whatever beings have 
samagatani...          |  come together here...
sabbe va bhuta sumana  |  May every one of these 
bhavantu...            |  beings be happy...
tasma hi bhuta         |  And also may all you
nisametha sabbe        |  beings attend well-
mettam karotha         |  Show loving kindness
manusiya pajaya        |  to all people
     - Ratana Sutta    |            - The Jewel Discourse 

Sridhar Pingali