[soc.religion.eastern] Inquiring Mind

pingali@.cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali) (03/06/91)

In response to a query - I thought more people might
be interested in obtaining the Inquiring Mind. It
is a semi-annual journal and can be obtained by 
writing at
            Inquiring Mind
            P.O.Box 9999, North Berkeley Station
            Berkeley, CA 94709.

In the spirit of dana, the journal is offered to all
who ask for it. But the journal is made possible 
through donations and readers are requested to make
donations as they feel fit. To save on mailing costs,
IM waits until there is a sufficient number of requests
and mails out the journal at bulk rate. (I would suggest
a donation of atleast $5, preferably more). They place
people on their mailing list, and keep sending out the new
issues to all on the list.

IM also offers a calendar which has a special theme each year.
For example, the 1990 calendar had Metta (loving kindness)
as its theme. This year's theme is Dana (generosity).
The quotes and words on the calendar are by Sharon Salzberg,
who is one of the co-founders of Insight Meditation Society
and is one of the senior Dhamma teachers in the US.
The proceeds from the sale of the calendar go to help
support IM.

I have nothing to do with IM directly, but have benefitted
greatly from it. I hope others find this information useful.
Sridhar Pingali