[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.misc statistics for 3/2/91 to 3/8/91.

mayne@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Bill Mayne, acting moderator) (03/09/91)

Here is the weekly list of articles posted to soc.religion.eastern.
There were 15 this time. No rejections. No problems except a short
delay caused by a sick news server. Since Dinesh returns any day
now this may hopefully be my next-to-last post as moderator. :-)

Bill Mayne

-------- soc.religion.eastern articles - Mar. 2, 1991 ---------

From: Subash@uh.edu (Subash S. Jayawardena)
Subject: Thoughts on Right Livelihood and precepts
Message-ID: <2460@sun13.scri.fsu.edu>

From: hoshik@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu
Subject: A Book Review
Message-ID: <9578.27ce7c6b@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu>

From: srinath@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Srinath Viswanathan)
Subject: Re: Precepts & right livelihood - Part II (long)
Message-ID: <9103012252.AA01482@unix.cis.pitt.edu>

From: hoshik@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu
Subject: A Great Opportunity
Message-ID: <9595.27cfa104@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu>

From: airs!chris@uunet.UU.NET (Chris Mynahan)
Subject: Re: E-sources of various sacred texts
Message-ID: <9103021931.AA11451@uunet.UU.NET>

From: aarti@pollux.usc.edu (Aarti Kumar)
Subject: Re: How *do* those TM folk pick their Mantras?
Message-ID: <30752@usc>

From: hoshik@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu
Subject: A Great Opportunity II(corrected;sorry)
Message-ID: <9600.27cfdfe4@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu>

From: [Email address unrecognizable] (Elliott Chapin)
Subject: buddhism questions
Message-ID: <1991Mar4.1342.156@canrem.uucp>

From: dran@cs.albany.edu (Paliath Narendran)
Subject: the Upanishads
Message-ID: <9103041951.AA12701@panini.albany.edu>

From: pingali@.cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali)
Subject: Words of the Buddha
Message-ID: <27455@dime.cs.umass.edu>

From: pingali@.cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali)
Subject: Suffering
Message-ID: <27456@dime.cs.umass.edu>

From: pingali@.cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali)
Subject: Inquiring Mind
Message-ID: <27458@dime.cs.umass.edu>

*** The next three were delayed up to a few days because of
trouble with the news server and news feed from my site -
Apologies for any inconvenience. ***

From: pur-ee!muttiah@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Ranjan S Muttiah)
Subject: Re: the Upanishads (repost?) [It wasn't, to most sites.]
Message-ID: <1991Mar6.022553.13262@noose.ecn.purdue.edu>

From: wyl@mahoosuc.ESD.3Com.COM (Y. Alan Wang)
Subject: Let Peace Begin With You!
Message-ID: <109@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM>

From: starnet!stuart@apple.com (Kenneth Stuart)
Subject: Gurumayi / SYDA  e-mail mailing list
Message-ID: <1991Mar7.150156.17043@mailer.cc.fsu.edu>

From: <Subash@uh.edu> (Bandula Jayatilaka)
Subject: Re: buddhism questions
Message-ID: <8735.27d6248a@jetson.uh.edu>

From: Andy Boswell <andy@cged.co.uk>
Subject: TM and mantras
Message-ID: <1991Mar8.102247.21746@cged.co.uk>