[soc.religion.eastern] Are you in satori when you watch accidents?

mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill) Mayne) (03/12/91)

When your'e observing something terrible like a car accident
or somebody catching fire, it feels like the things you see
go straight into your conciousness, without reflecting. Some
people say such things feel unreal, but I would say it feels
very real. Is that sudden feeling a state of satori?

Isak Swahn

asanders@decwrl.dec.com (03/15/91)

| When your'e observing something terrible like a car accident...
| it feels like the things you see go straight into your conciousness, 
| without reflecting....Is that sudden feeling a state of satori?

						-Isak Swahn

Sudden shocks momentarily produce a higher state of consciousness,
but we do not necessarily bring anything back with us from such
occurrences except the memory of the experience. Satori, as I
understand the term, refers to an experience which confers upon
the experiencer a fundamental "enlightenment" about the nature
of Reality.

Accidental shocks may temporarily heighten our awareness. The
question is how to produce consciousness-inducing shocks ourselves,
without relying on chance or resorting to violence.