[soc.religion.eastern] errors in postings

japlady@casbah.acns.nwu.edu (Rebecca Radnor) (05/09/91)

>From Japlady: Please excuse any odd bits of text that appear in postings
from my account.  There is a problem on this system with arriving mail
screwing up the emacs word processing system, which we have not yet
discovered how to rectify.  The result is that what ever happens to be not
saved by the system is spliced and repeated at the end of the message.

If anyone out there can e-mail me instructions on how to correct these
really annoying errors that make me want to yell explitives every time mail
arrives while I am writing (or John for that matter), I would very much
appreciate it. 
		___ Rebecca (Japlady) Radnor