[soc.religion.eastern] Reply to "Real Experiences"

cracraft@pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Stuart Cracraft) (05/12/91)

Thankyou Velu Sembugamoorthy for posting these experiences.
They are valuable and beautiful. 

Probably the closest anyone has come to describe this sort
of thing in modern times (the last 10 years) is Da Free
John, a.k.a Bubba Free John, a.k.a Heart-Master Da Free John
(it goes on.)

However, I am suspicious of all these golden lights and rose
glows. You appear wrapped up in color rather than true feeling.
Real experience of God is not light-related only. Nor I
believe is it joy. Others have had "High Indifference", or
"Ecstacy", but these also, however wonderful, I feel only reflect
a small sample of what's available.

One of the statements attributed to Gautama is:

	"Veil upon veil shall lift, but still feil
	upon veil will be found behind."

I.K. Taimni writes "The Sutras (Yoga) give the technique for achieving
the final goal as far as human beings are concerned. What lies beyond
is not only not our concern for the time being, but is totally beyond
our comprehension and therefore cannot be the subject of stuy. The
further mysteries which we have to unravel and the states of the path
we have to tread are hidden within the still deeper recesses of our
consciousness and will reveal themselves in due course when we are
ready for them."
