[soc.religion.eastern] RAMANA MAHIRISHEE

sanjay@eng.umd.edu (Kumarasamy Sanjay) (06/10/91)

   Could somebody suggest good reading on Ramana Mahirishee (His
biography,teachings etc)


pingali%gaia@cs.umass.edu (Sridhar Pingali) (06/12/91)

In article <1991Jun10.162827.19882@nas.nasa.gov> sanjay@eng.umd.edu (Kumarasamy Sanjay) writes:
>   Could somebody suggest good reading on Ramana Mahirishee (His
>biography,teachings etc)

In addition to the books already recommended, I
would suggest a book named "In Days of Great
Peace - The Highest Yoga as Lived" by Mouni Sadhu,
a European disciple of Ramana Maharshi's. Mouni
Sadhu talks of his own inner states and gives
a flavor of what it must be like to be in the
presence of a Sage.
