[soc.religion.eastern] Aministrivia

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (06/10/91)

 Hi Folks,

    I am back again with a bit of administrivia for this newsgroup. This should
 have been done ages ago but I have been completely swamped at work and haven't
 been able to spend too much time moderating this group.I hope this will change
 over the next few weeks. My apologies for any inconvenience.

   I took over from Bill Mayne (interim moderator) during the last part of March.
 I would like to thank Bill for having kept things running rather nicely during
 my absence. The change has been smooth though there are some sites (especially
 the ones at berkeley.edu) that still point to Bill's address.

   I post three times a day - when in get in, after lunch, and when I leave. I
 hope this represents fast enough turnaround. If your article doesn't appear in
 the newsgroup within 24 hrs. and you haven't received mail from me rejecting
 your article please e-mail your article directly to me.

   I save about a weeks worth of articles and on request I can mail you the
 articles that you've missed. As of June 1 I have started keeping track of
 articles again and I'll post statistics every Sunday. The statistics for this
 last week are given below.

   My apologies once again for all the delays.

   Dinesh Prabhu

 PS: To John Wheeler - I am unable to reach you via e-mail as my site does not
     recognize your address. I found your article titled "The Benefits of Zazen"
     a bit off and I wish you would reconsider the article.

 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 6/2/91-6/8/91

 number of new articles received =  31
 number of articles reposted     =   0
 number of articles rejected     =   2
 total number of articles posted =  29

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh K. Prabhu

Rejected articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
                                                   e-mail address and name
 6/6/91   BAHA'I                                   M. Rafat
 Reason: Duplicate article

 6/7/91   Benefits of Zazen                        John Wheeler
 Reason: Slightly inflammatory article. Author should reconsider.

Accepted articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(R) = repost]                           name and e-mail address
 6/2/91   On Buddha Nature and everyday existence  John Cha
 6/3/91   The Nature and Function of a Guru        Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/3/91   Awakening From the Dream of Experience   Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/3/91   How I Met a Sage (Long)                  John Wheeler
 6/4/91   Enlightened Persons                      Doug D. Brown
 6/4/91   vijnapti-matra and zen, my practice      Tom Simmonds
          (reply to J. Cha)                        (simmonds@demon.siemens.com)
 6/4/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          Gary Murphy
          Experience                               (garym%cognos.uucp@ccs.carleton.ca)
 6/5/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          John Cha
          Experience                               (dogen@casbah.acns.nwu.edu)
 6/5/91   If you meet the Buddha...                Tom Simmonds
 6/5/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          Tom Simmonds
          Experience                               (simmonds@demon.siemens.com)
 6/5/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          Gopal Krishna
          Experience                               (gkrishna@brahms.amd.com)
 6/5/91   Re: Gurus                                Ando Walsh
 6/5/91   Re: If you meet the Buddha...            John Cha
 6/5/91   The Mode of Enlightenment (part 1 of 3)  Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/6/91   The Mode of Enlightenment (part 2 of 3)  Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/6/91   BAHA'I                                   M. Rafat
 6/6/91   Re: The Nature and Function of a Guru    Jim Schoonover
 6/6/91   Re: If you meet the Buddha...            Tom Simmonds
 6/6/91   Master Wall                              Tom Simmonds
 6/6/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          Christopher Koertiz
          Experience                               (cak0l@larch.cs.virginia.edu)
 6/6/91   Re: Awakening From the Dream of          Bill Mayne
          Experience                               (mayne@sun16.scri.fsu.edu)
 6/6/91   The need for a Guru                      Roger Adams
 6/6/91   The Mode of Enlightenment (part 3 of 3)  Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/7/91   One traveller's journey                  Tom Simmonds
 6/7/91   Awakening From the Dream of Experience   Alan Sanders
 6/7/91   Did the Buddha sit zazen?                Len Moskowitz
 6/7/91   Re: Did the Buddha sit zazen?            John Cha
 6/8/91   Spirit and Nature                        Roger Adams
 6/9/91   soc.religion.eastern statistics          Dinesh Prabhu
          for 6/2/91-6/8/91                        (prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov)

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (06/17/91)

  Hi Folks,

     Everything seems to be back to normal after the machine switch at my
  site. There is no need to mail articles to prabhu@corvus.arc.nasa.gov.
  You can mail articles now to prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov if Pnews doesn't
  take care of things automatically. Sorry for the inconvenience.


 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 6/9/91-6/15/91

 number of new articles received =  33
 number of articles rejected     =   2
 number of articles reposted     =   1
 total number of articles posted =  32

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh K. Prabhu

Rejected articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
                                                   e-mail address and name
 6/13/91  dir/reg                                  Roger Adams
 reason: duplicate article. article with correct title posted on 6/13/91 as per
         author's request.
 6/15/91  Re: Thoreau, Emerson and the Vedas?      Michael Saler
 reason: article was completely garbled on my system. Author needs to resubmit.

Accepted articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(R) = repost]                           name and e-mail address
 6/ 9/91  Meditation and Self-realization          Shanker Janakiraman
 6/ 9/91  Re: The Nature and Function of a Guru    Jim Schoonover
 6/10/91  Samurai Buddhism                         Michael Norrish
 6/10/91  Ramana Mahirishee                        Sanjay Kumarasamy
 6/10/91  Re: The Nature and Function of a Guru    Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/11/91  Re: Samurai Buddhism                     Eric Sotnak
 6/11/91  Ramana Maharshi                          Roger Adams
 6/11/91  Spiritual Discrimination                 Eileen Maceri
 6/12/91  Re: Spiritual Discrimination             Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/12/91  More on the swastica                     Andy Boswell
 6/12/91  Re: Ramana Mahirishee                    Sridhar Pingali
 6/12/91  Re: Awakening form the Dream of          Tom Simmonds
              Experience                           (simmonds@demon.siemens.com)
 6/12/91  Thoreau, Emerson and the Vedas?          Michael Saler
 6/13/91  J. Krishnamurti                          Sitanshu Kumar
 6/13/91  Re: Awakening form the Dream of          Alan Sanders
              Experience                           (asanders@adobe.com)
 6/13/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti                      Roger Adams
 6/13/91  More on Ramana Maharshi                  Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/13/91  Where is Da Free John now?               Andrew Walsh
 6/13/91  Re: More on Ramana Maharshi              Roger Adams
 6/14/91  More on Spiritual Discrimination         Eileen Maceri
 6/14/91  Book: "Choosing Reality"                 Jack Carroll
 6/14/91  Significance of "stove top" pattern in   Blake Wood
          Silbey Regional Park?                    (bwood@janus.berkeley.edu)
 6/14/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti                      John Wheeler
 6/14/91  Re: More on Ramana Maharshi              Sitanshu Kumar
 6/14/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti                      Sitanshu Kumar
          [This article was attributed to the wrong author by mistake]
 6/14/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti (R)                  Sitanshu Kumar
 6/14/91  Translation of a Tamil Scripture         Vishnu Meenan
 6/14/91  Working with Negativity - Dharmadhatu    Henry Polard
          Open House Talk                          (henry@maspar.com)
          [Note: this article was restricted to the SF Bay Area in Calif.]
 6/14/91  My guru is better than your guru!!       Moorthy
 6/15/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti                      Sitanshu Kumar
 6/15/91  Re: J. Krishnamurti                      Ray Ganjavi
 6/16/91  soc.religion.eastern statistics          Dinesh Prabhu
          for 6/9/91-6/15/91                       (prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov)