[soc.religion.eastern] @!&%^$

johnw@farside.eng.ready.com (John Wheeler) (06/21/91)

The following imaginary dialogue was inspired by a cartoon in
Zen Comics, by Ioanna Salajan.


Seeker: Master, I have traveled all over the world visiting many
        teachers. I have obtained much knowledge and gained many insights. 
        Now I have come to you to receive illumination.

Master: Tell me, what have you learned so far?

Seeker: I have seen that...  %$*&^% (&*&&^%&*^ all is one *&^%$}{"
        Truth )_(&^@!""?:>{} ][=\-098  seven levels &^%(_{}":
        Da Da Da Da Dum Dum*())+ ]['+(8 Krishnamurti i**6 (breath) %# @
        beyond thought *****((_$#@:"'><>?[]]=\`-09 the Tao !@#$
        zazen &*(^ blah, blah, blah ()__76675''' choiceless awareness*+ ^&
        &* %^$ {]>)8> Buddha said *(&^% "{}.< neither is, nor is not +|~ }'
        *(&^%">{}+ etc., etc., etc.... 

Master: So what, boy!?