[soc.religion.eastern] A dream

jeffty@sco.COM (Jeffery Tye) (06/27/91)

I've been having this recurring dream which I feel the urge to
write about. Ultimately, I realize it means nothing, for it is
but a dream.

Silence. Emptyness. Peace.  I am awareness. I am without form.
I am consciousness. There is nothing else but the Self, I. The
feeling is beyond words, neither pleasurable or unpleasurable.
There is no beginning or ending of this awareness/nothingness.
I am not identified with anything, not even the awareness. It's
peaceful and yet that word is inaccurate. It's everything and
nothing at the same time. Beyond words or concepts.

Suddenly, a bubble appears. I observe this bubble without 
judgement for it is not real. It is an illusion. I observe 
the bubble as if watching a movie.  The bubble, though, has
a sense of identification with itself. It says, "I am, I am
all, I am God."

The bubble starts creating other bubbles within itself. Those
bubbles create other bubbles and on and on until it seems as
if there are infinite bubbles within bubbles.  The bubbles
are beings, worlds, universes. I see love, violence, anger, 
joy, colors, sounds, everything. I still view this scene
in front of me without judgement. I'm dispassionate about it.
It just appears and changes constantly.  It appears to be
real but it's not, only a dream.  I see countless dreams 
within dreams, worlds within worlds, beings within beings.
I see beings moving from one dream to the other. Beings
telling other beings what to do or not do. I see beings
worshiping other beings. There are levels of beings. But
none of them are real. They are identified with themselves
as if they were real. Occasionally a being appears which
realizes that it's not real, only I am. One "I".

The entire dream is identified with itself as if it were real.
But it's not. It's magnificent. A vast ocean of thoughts, emotions,
creations, worlds, beings, forms appearing and disappearing.
I remain unmoved. It is only a dream and not who I am.

The God bubble continues to create forms which eventually disappear.
Nothing in the dream is continuos. It appears from nothing and
returns to nothing.  Only I remain, only I am real, and even I
am not identified with myself. The dream continues on, changing
shape constantly, yet I remain constant, unmoved, ever peaceful.

That's the end of my dream.  I awaken within the dualistic world
again. Have any of you had dreams like this?


Jeff Tye
SCO Marcom Public Relations Dept.
.!uunet!sco!jeffty   jeffty@sco.COM