[soc.religion.eastern] From Tamil Veda

mvishnu@sunee.uwaterloo.ca (06/27/91)

eNNith thuNika karumam thuNinthapin
eNNuvam enpathu izukku (therinthu ceYalvakai 47:7)
eNNi            == think, evaluate (incomplete verb; infinitive 'eN')
thuNika         == dare, start, take a decisive action
                   (imparative; infinitive 'thuNi')
karumam         == work, job, project, action
thuNintha + pin == having dared, having started + after 
eNNuvam         == think (first person pulural future; infinitive 'eN') 
enpathu         == thus(?)
izukku          == bad, fatal, low, disgraceful
Think fully before making a decisive action;
To think of means and ways during the course of action can be fatal.

kaRka kacadaRak kaRpavai kaRRapin
niRka athaRkuth thaka (kalvi-40:1)
kaRka   == learn (imparative; infinitive 'kal')
kacadaRa = kacadu + aRa
    kacadu == flaw, dirt, impurity, illogicity, bad, blemish 
    aRa == removed, torn, cut (nfinitive 'aRu' cut) 
kaRpavai == those which are worth learning
kaRRa + pin == having learned + after
niRka == stand by, abide, uphold 
athu + an + ku == that + <possive suffix> + <'to' suffix>
thaka == accordingly, in accordance with 
LEARN flawlessly those which are worth learning;
Having learned, ABIDE by it. 

ozukkam vizuppam tharalaan ozukkam
uYirinum Ompap padum (ozukkamudamai-14:1)
ozukkam == decorum, (from verb 'ozu' follow)
vizuppam == fall (from verb 'vizu' fall)
thara + l + aa + aan == give + <particle> + not  
                        + <third person singular suffix>
ozukkam == decorum
uYir + in + um == live, soul + <compare suffix> + verily
Ompa == value high (inclomplete verb) 
padum == should be
Decorum never lets one down;
hence it should be guarded more than life itself.

eNNiYa eNNiYaanku eYthupa eNNiYaar
thiNNiYar aahap peRin (vinaiththidpam-67:6)
eNNiYa = (whatever is) thought (to be achieved) [from verb 'eNN' = think ]
eNNi + aanku == thought + <'to that extent' suffix>
eYthupa == will achieve
    eYthu + pa == achieve + <future particle>
eNNiYaar == planner, thinker(?)
thiNNiYaar == strong minded, strong willed(?)
aahap peRin == if endowed with
   aaha == become, make, do 
   peRu + in == get + <'if' suffix> 
Whatever one wants to achieve or attain will
be achieved exactly as conceived if the thinker is steadfast or strong-willed

ciRupadaiYaan cellidam cErin uRupadaiYaan
Ukkam azinthu vidum. (idan aRithal-50:8)
ciRu + padai + aan  == small + army + <third person singular suffix>
cel + idam  == go(?) + place
cEr + in == reach + <if suffix>
uRu + padai + aan == large + army + <third person singular suffix>
Ukkam == motivation, interest(?)
azinthu == destoy (incomplete verb; infinitive 'azi' destroy)
vidum == done (verm completion; infinitive 'vidu' leave)
If small army slects a suitable terrain,
(even) a larger opponent will lose his motivation.
