[soc.religion.eastern] Enough of Da Avabhasa!

Jeffery Tye <jeffty@sco.COM> (06/26/91)

In article <1991Jun24.171019.5643@nas.nasa.gov> cyee@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au (Chut Ngeow YEE) writes:

>I had wanted to post this article for some time, but could not locate the
>material until now. It is from talks Da Avabhasa gave in the early years
>1973 and 1974.  Here he is answering questions that I think many of you
>would raise at one stage or another.

[rest deleted]

These Da Avabhasa - aka Da Free John, Da Love Ananda, Da Kalki, Da This
Week's Name - postings are getting to the point where you appear to be
_proselytizing_.  I am interested in hearing from you, from your own
heart, not from someone elses words.

I hear that Da Avabhasa teaches non-duality. If that is the case
then you do not need him to speak for you.  You are your own Guru,
your own teacher.  You are the Self. You are the "I" behind all
these words. Speak from that.


Jeff Tye
SCO Marcom Public Relations Dept.
.!uunet!sco!jeffty   jeffty@sco.COM  

cyee@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au (Chut Ngeow YEE) (06/27/91)

jeffty@sco.COM (Jeffery Tye) writes:

>These Da Avabhasa - aka Da Free John, Da Love Ananda, Da Kalki, Da This
>Week's Name - postings are getting to the point where you appear to be
>_proselytizing_.  I am interested in hearing from you, from your own
>heart, not from someone elses words.

Have you been reading my silly postings and feeling offended and angry all
these times?!! And you feel being proseltized?  Have you heard of the ancient
wisdom of 'see no evil, hear no evil and do no evil'? Have you thought of 
simply ignoring my postings, just as you have undoubtedly ignored and 
rejected countless number of things in the past and present?

I am very clear and very explicit that I am talking Da Avabhasa. I enjoyed
talking the one the I love, and I enjoy making his teaching and his
offering known, and I enjoy providing informations for the handful of
people who have shown positive interest.  I am following my heart's movements.
But what are you really up to?  What is your anger all about? You sounded like
you have read Da Avabhasa's writings for quite a while.  Are you finding that
you cannot reject his teaching completely out of your mind? It looks like you
have a lot to find out about yourself.

>I hear that Da Avabhasa teaches non-duality. If that is the case
>then you do not need him to speak for you.  You are your own Guru,
>your own teacher.  You are the Self. You are the "I" behind all
>these words. Speak from that.

I really do not care to add much of my own where the Master has spoken so
beautifully and so plentifully. What will the silly things that I do in
this silly coner of the world amount to anyway? Here is another reading that
strike me today. Sorry I really couldn't help myself. I am simply Guru

Da Avabhasa: "Neurotics are the only ones who can practice Spiritual life!
Except for the neurotics practicing Spiritual life, there exist only the
sublime Beings who have FULFILLED Spiritual life. The practitioners of
Spiritual life are not non-neurotics, but they are neurotics who have seen
the futility of their devices, who can understand themselves, who can
override their tendencies, not through mere self-effort, but through
immersing themselves constantly in the Spiritual Divine, the Transcendental
Self-Principle" (The Dreaded Gom-Boo)

Jeff Tye
SCO Marcom Public Relations Dept.
..!uunet!sco!jeffty   jeffty@sco.COM