[soc.religion.eastern] soc.religion.eastern statistics for 6/23/91-6/29/91

prabhu@nas.nasa.gov (06/30/91)

 soc.religion.eastern statistics for the week 6/23/91-6/29/91

 number of new articles received =  40
 number of articles rejected     =   1
 number of articles reposted     =   1
 total number of articles posted =  40

 the articles are arranged in the order they were posted and all dates are
 reckoned from my site.

 Dinesh K. Prabhu

Rejected articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
                                                   e-mail address and name
 6/26/91  Re: Enough of Da Avabhasa!               Sitanshu Kumar
          reason: inflammatory article.

Accepted articles
 date     article title                            contributor's
          [(R) = repost]                           name and e-mail address
 6/24/91  Da Avabhasa - The Divine Way             Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/24/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           John Wheeler
 6/24/91  Re: Seven Stages of Life - Da Avabhasa   
 6/24/91  Re: Seven Stages of Life - Da Avabhasa(R)Sitanshu Kumar
          above article reposted. 'From:' field was wrongly set.
 6/24/91  The Secret of How to Change              Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/25/91  Re: Seven Stages of Life - Da Avabhasa   Roger Adams
 6/25/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           John Cha
 6/25/91  Re: Seven Stages of Life - Da Avabhasa   Sitanshu Kumar
 6/25/91  Enough of Da Avabhasa!                   Jeffrey Tye
 6/25/91  Seven Stages...                          Alan Sanders
 6/25/91  Re: Seven Stages...                      Robert Pietkivitch
 6/25/91  Re: Seven Stages...                      Roger Adams
 6/25/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           John Wheeler
 6/26/91  A dream                                  Jeffrey Tye
 6/26/91  Re: Seven Stages...                      Tom Simmonds
 6/26/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           Jeffrey Tye
 6/26/91  From Tamil Veda                          Vishnu Meenan
 6/26/91  Re: Enough of Da Avabhasa!               Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/26/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           John Wheeler
 6/27/91  Lin-Chi on reality and his function      Tom Simmonds
          as a teacher                             (simmonds@demon.siemens.com)
 6/27/91  The dana tradition                       Bill Mayne
          (Was Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal)      (mayne@sun16.scri.fsu.edu)
 6/27/91  Re: Seven Stages...                      Andrew Walsh
 6/27/91  Re: The dana tradition                   John Wheeler
 6/27/91  The dana tradition                       Roger Adams
          (Was Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal)      (radams@cerritos.edu)
 6/27/91  re: proselytizing                        Chris Tong
 6/27/91  Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal	           Len Moskowitz
 6/27/91  Re: Lin-Chi on reality and his function  John Wheeler
          as a teacher                             (johnw@farside.eng.ready.com)
 6/28/91  Re: The dana tradition                   Sridhar Pingali
 6/28/91  Shaivism and Shakti worship              Srinath Vishwanathan
 6/28/91  Re: re: proselytizing                    Tom Simmonds
 6/28/91  Re: re: proselytizing                    Sitanshu Kumar
 6/28/91  Ultimate metaphysical reality in         John Cha
          Mahayana                                 (dogen@casbah.acns.nwu.edu)
 6/28/91  Re: Lin-Chi and reality, etc.            Tom Simmonds
 6/28/91  Re: The dana tradition                   John Wheeler
 6/28/91  Da Avabhasa on Sexuality (1)             Chut Ngeow Yee
 6/28/91  re: proselytizing                        Chris Tong
 6/29/91  Re: The dana tradition                   Sridhar Pingali
 6/29/91  Dear Rebekah                             Chris Tong
 6/26/91  Landing in the Guru                      Jeffrey Tye
          (was Re: Spirituality as an Ordeal)      (jeffty@sco.com)
 6/29/91  soc.religion.eastern statistics          Dinesh Prabhu
          for 6/23/91-6/29/91                      (prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov)