LOCUS MS2AAR 218 bp ss-RNA PHG 16-AUG-1990 DEFINITION Bacteriophage MS2 A protein mRNA, 3' end, and coat protein mRNA, complete cds. ACCESSION M25187 KEYWORDS A protein; coat protein. SOURCE Bacteriophage MS2 RNA. ORGANISM Bacteriophage MS2 Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses; Leviviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 218) AUTHORS Contreras,R., Ysebaert,M., Min Jou,W. and Fiers,W. TITLE Bacteriophage MS2 RNA: Nucleotide sequence of the end of the A protein gene and the intercistronic region JOURNAL Nature New Biol. 241, 99-101 (1973) STANDARD simple staff_review FEATURES from to/span description pept < 1 137 A protein (AA at 3) pept 161 > 218 coat protein BASE COUNT 54 a 58 c 52 g 54 t ORIGIN 1 ctaaggccca aatctcagcc atgcatcggg gagtacaatc cgtatggcca acaactggcg 61 cgtacgtaaa gtctcctttc tcgatggtcc ataccttaga tgcgttagca ttaatcaggc 121 aacggctctc tagatagagc cctcaaccgg agtttgaagc atggcttcta actttactca 181 gttcgttctc gtcgacaatg gcggaactgg cgacgtga //