LOCUS ECORHSD2 140 bp ds-DNA BCT 17-AUG-1990 DEFINITION E.coli rhsD gene, 3' flanking region. ACCESSION M21768 J04224 KEYWORDS rhsD gene. SEGMENT 2 of 2 SOURCE E.coli (strain K12) DNA, clone pRL390. ORGANISM Escherichia coli Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 140) AUTHORS Sadosky,A.B., Davidson,A., Lin,R.-J. and Hill,C.W. TITLE rhs gene family of Escherichia coli K12 JOURNAL J. Bacteriol. 171, 636-642 (1989) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence [1] kindly submitted by C.Hill, 04-JAN-1989 FEATURES from to/span description BASE COUNT 36 a 22 c 43 g 39 t ORIGIN About 3.8 kb from segment 1. 11.7 on K12 map. 1 ggacccgatg gggttgaaag ggggatggaa tttatatcag tatcctttaa atccactaca 61 acaaattgac cctatgggat tattgcagac ttgggatgat gccagatctg gagcatgtac 121 ggggggagtt tgtggtgttc //