[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M29598 M28542

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (08/21/90)

LOCUS       RATGLUSG5     649 bp ds-DNA             ROD       21-AUG-1990
DEFINITION  Rat glutamine synthetase gene, exon 5 and 6.
ACCESSION   M29598 M28542
KEYWORDS    glutamine synthetase.
SEGMENT     5 of 6
SOURCE      Rat (strain Wistar) liver DNA, clones pgGS[2,3,4,14,20].
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; 
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   van de Zande,L., Labruyere,W.T., Arnberg,A.C., Wilson,R.H.,
            van den Bogaert,A.J.W., Das,A.T., van Oorschot,D.A.J., Frijters,C.,
            Charles,R., Moorman,A.F.M. and Lamers,W.H.
  TITLE     Isolation and characterization of the rat glutamine
            synthetase-encoding gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 87, 225-232 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 649; for [1])
  AUTHORS   Lamers,W.H.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989) Univ. of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1,2] kindly
            provided by W.H.Lamers, 28-SEP-1989.
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept    +    85      212     glutamine synthetase, exon 5 (EC
                386  +   585     glutamine synthetase, exon 6
    pre-msg <     1  >   649     GS mRNA and introns
    IVS     <     1       84     GS, intron D
    IVS         213      385     GS, intron E
    IVS         586  >   649     GS, intron F
BASE COUNT      132 a    153 c    187 g    177 t
ORIGIN      About 0.55 kb after segment 4.
        1 ttagacctcc acaatttttt ttcttttggc tttcggggtt tcctggttcc ctgagtcttc
       61 cctgctttgt cttgactcct tcaggaccct attactgcgg tgtgggagct gacaaggctt
      121 atggccgaga tatcgtggag gctcactacc gggcctgctt gtatgctgga atcaagatca
      181 cagggacaaa tgccgaggtt atgcctgccc aggtaaatgg cgctcaactt ttccctcccc
      241 tctgaagact tgggtagata ggcacgtggt ggggactttg gctagcgagg gtgggtcaca
      301 ggcgagcgga acaagctggg agcttgagtg gacagagcag ccagttggcg ttattttaaa
      361 agtcaacttt tttttttctc tccagtggga attccagata ggaccctgcg aagggatccg
      421 catgggagat catctctggg tagcccgttt tatcttgcat cgggtatgcg aagactttgg
      481 ggtgatagca acctttgacc ccaagcccat tccagggaac tggaatgggg caggctgcca
      541 caccaacttt agcaccaagg ccatgcggga ggagaatggt ctgaggtaag taccttcctc
      601 tctgagccat ccgtattctt ctcatggggt ggaagggctt tgggtactt